Services & Rates
We believe in simplicity and transparency.
The Legal Launch
One simple package to build a solid legal foundation for your business.
Name conflict search
Entity Formation
EIN (Tax ID)
Founder agreement
Corporate Transparency BOI report
Business license support
DBA support
Entity upkeep guide
Officially register your business as a sole-prop, LLC or corporation
Get a custom bundle of contracts for your day-to-day operations
Client services agreement
Product sales agreement
Web terms & privacy policy
Worker agreements
Media release
Liability release
And/or other form(s) from our list
Secure your brand and own your business name
Conflict search and report
Risk analysis and strategy
Application prep and filing of one trademark in up to three classes
Processing updates
USPTO correspondence
Registration guide
The Investment
Depending on what you need, we can help with one, two, or all three of the above scopes. Launch packages are available a la carte, or as part of our comprehensive Membership.
A La Carte
Your legal launch for a one-time payment
One of the following launch scopes: (1) business registration, (2) contracts bundle, or (3) a trademark application;
$1000, or 3 monthly payments of $334
Two of the following launch scopes: (1) business registration, (2) contracts bundle, or (3) a trademark application;
$1750 or 3 monthly payments of $584
All of the following launch scopes: (1) business registration, (2) contracts bundle, and (3) a trademark application;
$2500 or 3 monthly payments of $834
Your legal launch, plus ongoing support for your business at an accessible monthly rate
Launch Package - With a 12 month commitment, this Membership includes up to two of the following launch scopes: (1) business registration, (2) contracts bundle, or (3) a trademark application;
Comprehensive Support - Plus an average of about 90 minutes of substantive legal support each quarter for help with projects like contract reviews and negotiation, contract drafting, and advising (i.e. about 1-3 projects each quarter);
Fit - This covers most of the legal needs of our small business clients who need periodic support with contracts and advising most quarters;
Value - For context, at our a la carte rates, the total value of this Membership is worth $5250+ /yr. With this Membership, all of that support is included with us as your general counsel for $2100 /yr, split in monthly payments of $175
$175 /month, minimum 12 months
(6 month minimum without a launch package)
Legal Launch - With a 12 month commitment, this Membership includes all of the following launch scopes: (1) business registration, (2) contracts bundle, and (3) a trademark application;
Comprehensive Support - Plus an average of about 3 hours of legal support each quarter for help with projects like contract review and negotiation, contract drafting, and general advising (i.e. about 1-2 projects a month);
Fit - This covers most of the legal needs of our small business clients who need regular help with projects most months;
Value - For context, at our a la carte rates, the total value of this Membership is worth $9000+ /yr. With this Membership, all of that support is included with with us as your general counsel for $3600 /yr, split in monthly payments of $300
$300 /month, minimum 12 months
(or 6 months without a launch package)
How does the Membership work?
Maintenance - As a Member, you’ll have us as general counsel for your business, including routine check-ins and business maintenance filings to ensure you stay on top of your legal throughout the year;
Comprehensive Support - Plus, you’ll have us on hand for ongoing substantive support for help with projects like contract reviews and negotiation, new contract drafting, and general advising. Different Membership tiers include different amounts of substantive support time based on your needs;
Flexibility - Membership time rolls over and never expires during your Membership, so you can use your accrued legal time when you need it without chunky legal bills;
Larger Scopes - The value of the Membership time can also be applied toward larger scope projects, like additional trademarks, new business registrations, and any other projects that exceed the time included in the Membership, always quoted in advance (our Members don’t go out of scope very often).
Note, government filing fees are additional,
which may range from $0-$440+, as confirmed in advance, and certain custom scopes may have additional fees as confirmed in advance.
Day to Day Support
General support for your business as you grow, either project-by-project, or through our comprehensive Membership
A La Carte
Reach out for support as needed at a one-time rate per scope, quoted in advance
A short project that can be handled in about 30 minutes, including contract reviews and negotiation (up to 2 pages), short contract drafting (up to 1 page), a trademark search, or brief advising.
A medium project that can be handled in about 60 minutes, including contract reviews and negotiation (3-12 pages), standard length contract drafting, multiple trademark searches, or a more in-depth advising session.
A longer project that can be handled in about 90 minutes, including longer contract reviews (13-20 pages), longer contract drafting, or support with an extended project that may require multiple rounds of support, up to 90 minutes.
Other projects will be quoted in advance either at a flat rate, or hourly at $500 /hr.
Ongoing comprehensive support for your business at an accessible monthly rate
Comprehensive Support - An average of about 30 minutes of substantive legal support each quarter for help with projects like contract reviews and negotiation, contract drafting, and advising;
Fit - This covers most of the needs of our small business clients who just need occasional light support throughout the year;
Value - For context, at our a la carte rates, the total value of this Membership is worth $1500+ /yr. With this Membership, all of that support is included with us as your general counsel for $840 /yr, split in monthly payments of $70.
$70 /month, minimum 6 months
All of the Basic Membership perks
Comprehensive Support - Plus, an average of about 90 minutes of substantive legal support each quarter for help with projects like contract reviews and negotiation, contract drafting, and advising (i.e. about 1-3 projects each quarter);
Premium Projects - This Membership tier also includes up to one premium project per 6 months of Membership which can be used for trademark applications, new business formations, or equivalent value applied to other projects;
Fit - This covers most of the legal needs of our small business clients who need more routine help with contract reviews and advising every quarter;
Value - For context, at our a la carte rates, the total value of this Membership is worth $5250+ /yr. With this Membership, all of that support is included with us as your general counsel for $2100 /yr, split in monthly payments of $175.
$175/ month, minimum 6 months
All of the Light Membership perks;
Comprehensive Support - Plus, an average of about 3 hours of substantive legal support each quarter for help with projects like contract reviews and negotiation, contract drafting, and advising (i.e. about 1-2 projects each month);
Fit - This covers most of the legal needs of our small business clients who need regular help with projects most months;
Value - For context, at our a la carte rates, the total value of this Membership is worth $9000+ /yr. With this Membership, all of that support is included with with us as your general counsel for $3600 /yr, split in monthly payments of $300.
$300 /month, minimum 6 months
How does the Membership work?
Maintenance - As a Member, you’ll have us as general counsel for your business, including routine check-ins and business maintenance filings to ensure you stay on top of your legal throughout the year;
Comprehensive Support - Plus, you’ll have us on hand for ongoing substantive support for help with projects like contract reviews and negotiation, new contract drafting, and general advising. Different Membership tiers include different amounts of substantive support time based on your needs;
Flexibility - Membership time rolls over and never expires during your Membership, so you can use your accrued legal time when you need it without chunky legal bills;
Larger Scopes - The value of the Membership time can also be applied toward larger scope projects, like additional trademarks, new business registrations, and any other projects that exceed the time included in the Membership, always quoted in advance (our Members don’t go out of scope very often).